Amako Oshidari

"I have a pounding headache and an itch to kill. Are you that afraid of a female Au'ra? Hmm...Pathetic."

The Basics

Name: Amako Oshidari (Mako)
Age: 22
Height: 4’11’’
Weight: 120 Ponze
Hair Color: Sterling White
Eye Color: Pearl White
Birthplace: Othard Yanxia
Current Residence: Hingashi, Kugane
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Likes: Plum Sake, Gold, (Ask.)
Dislikes: Snobs, Overly Cute things, Sweets, Loud noises.
Languages: Auri, Doman/Hingan & Eorzean
Profession: Kugane Mercenary with Hitman Tendencies.

Family: Akane Sano-- Cousin/ Alive

History Involving Garleans, Shisui & Kugane

“One..two..three..breathe…Do not forget. To breathe.” Garlean wars and mass destruction have always wiped away civilizations or; tore families apart. For Amako; or Mako for short, she was orphaned once the Garleans invaded during the rule of Kaien Rijin, coming from the west Yanxia of the one river. The Oshidari family resided along the river for generations profiting from pearl farming until it was wiped clean. Hiding as an only child of her family, she could remember the blood leaking through floorboards and the glistening metallic clink of the armor as the soldiers left the rubble of what was left of her families residents. During the night she could hear their screams.“One..two..three..breathe..” After the passing of her family she was orphaned on her own soon she was sent to Kugane nearly after only a few months had passed only at such a young age she was sent to the Ruby Sea. Malms..and Malms below the pressure. The pressure condenses someone's head to madness to serve the young princess Kurenai Shisui, Amako served as a standard servant; washing the floors, cooking, and cleaning. A few years had passed she’d gained a new task closer to Kurenai, becoming a lady in waiting was simply a title she was given first. Though palace life might have seemed grand, even blissful, a simple breaking of a plate caused her to be descaled with a hot knife as a punishment. “Fine Doman Antiques..” They were called. Half of the scales on her back are missing due to her lack of footing as a child when she was a servant for the princess. A man cloaked blacked appeared months later, he wished to bestow a gift to the princess. Though Amako was skeptical at the time even at such a young age, she could only focus on the feeling of pressure on her head that causes her to leave The Princess unattended. This gift invoked the body-double Hisui of the Ruby Princess to be possessed with a voidsent along with all the servants within the Violet Tides. Luckily due to the heightening flight and fight response, Mako was not on the premises but on guard holding a tiny knife along her side for her safety. This man fleeing for the exit; which there was one, the cloaked figure would ignore what seem to be an “ignorant child.” She could see the cloaked figure and her mind triggered. “Go for the kill.”“One..two..three..breathe...Never forget to breathe..” Once the Palace was cleared out of corruption and the body double Hisui was recovered and taken to Sui no Sato, Amako earned a new place alongside the Princess along with a weapon in hand upon her friend's awakening. This opened a new path in Amako's life, a brutal..longing path of destruction that at times she begs to find a way out. Being granted as the new executioner at Shisui; Over, and over. Repeating it day in and day out until she became of age to leave the tides. The Tides she longed to drown in. Leaving was difficult, but easy. Taking a stand back in Kugane with little to nothing in her pocket she had no work, no experience but blood on her hands. But, the citizens of Kugane knew; they knew who she was and what she was capable of. Contracts. Hired by people to eliminate targets for Gil, copious amount of Gil. Mako first, worked as a Mercenary for some shady businessmen in Kugane who generally would just have a temper and hatred for the people he did business with or disagreed with him, he’d want them eliminated. Job done. Did she dislike her job, Yes? Did she dislike the Gil, No? Years dwelling in the depths of the Ruby Sea drove her to madness causing her to strike on a rampage and assassinate her first boss. Oh, she hated that man…Though this madness caused a set of changes in her mind and appearance; it helped her kill speed, changed her eyes to a crimson red and her hair was a brighter white. Going against Mako in a fight is a trial. Gasping for air struggling, to breathe the trial she faces is always in front of her now, the anger she wears as a mask to hide the burden of the death of her family that weighs heavy on her shoulder from her past, but she must carry on...She is now suffocating.
